About Us

Our Story

Hello. I'm Santis O'Garro, The Founder of The Budget Mindset Club. The journey starts with my own story. I never understood the incredible benefits of budgeting and using my money to create positive energy in our home.

In 2018, I hit rock bottom, up to my eyes in debt and struggling to make ends meet with my wages. Yet I was so swamped. It led to a mental and physical breakdown. With my young family to support, I knew a change was needed.

I turned my life around in 2019 and cleared €15027 in debt in less than a year. I am no superhero, and I don't have special skills. I am from a working-class background and achieved a feat that not many of my peers would have even considered possible.

Budgeting has been my lifeline, and I'm proof of the transformative power it can have on your life.

If I am really honest, it took a lot of me learning and consistently looking to simplify the budgeting process. When I say budgeting is transformative, it was during that transformative period that I started creating a lifestyle that made me want to open my Budget Mindset Planner and put the work in.

Financial wellness is more than a passion for me; it's a calling. I am a reformed spender looking at a more intentional approach to managing my money. Because I know the feeling of being awake at night, worrying about making ends meet, and I also understand the consequences of not openly discussing money.

That's why creating a safe space where members have both the community and the tools to seek refuge from consumer culture was important.

Our products are designed with a singular goal: revolutionise your approach to managing your hard-earned money.

Regardless of your background or financial situation, our products are tailored to assist you.

Budgeting is the ultimate Self Care Experience. Our budgeting process is deceptively simple because it had to be.
Why can't a budget product be both practical and aesthetically pleasing? There was none when I embarked on my journey to find a budget planner in Ireland. So budgeting felt like punishment. Then, I decided to create my very own budget planner, incorporating all the invaluable tips and tricks I learned while clearing €15,027 in debt in 51 weeks.

Our Mission

The Budget Mindset Club is dedicated to empowering busy women with practical tools and unwavering support to prioritise their finances. We aim to foster unity and shared financial goals within households, creating a refuge from consumer culture where intentionality reigns. Ultimately, this will create a lifestyle our members want to budget towards.

Our Vision

Imagining a world where busy women experience financial freedom, The Budget Mindset Club aims to empower households towards economic empowerment. We strive to cultivate a global community where efficient budgeting, debt reduction, and savings growth are everyday norms. We envision busy women thriving with community, clarity, and shared financial aspirations, prioritising lifestyle investments over consumerism. Our goal is to ensure busy women embrace a less-is-more lifestyle.